Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Caprica Pilot Not Picked Up

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Ron Moore recently dropped this info during an interview with TVWeek.com:

TVWeek: What is the likelihood of the "Caprica" prequel series at this point?
Mr. Moore: Still in development. They're not picking it up as a pilot right now. They've talked about doing a two-hour version of it, or a DVD. The longer it goes on, the less likely it seems that anything will happen.

You can read the entire Q&A session by clicking here. It does contain spoilers about the final season 3 episode of BSG so be warned! As for this blog, I’ll still keep it open and post Caprica-related news when it pops up. Sigh. Tear.


Posted by Smitty at 6:11 AM - 1 comments