Monday, February 05, 2007

Caprica Will Get a Yay or Nay This Month

I can't believe I missed this one. In the recent articles from iF Magazine and the Chicago Tribune, SciFi vice president Dave Howe gave us a very important piece of information regarding the status of our dear little prequel:

The announced spinoff, Caprica, has also not been picked up officially yet; some speculate that the DVD may somehow introduce a backstory for the previously announced spinoff mythology, although Moore and Eick seem to be vaguely indicating that this is not the case. SciFi's Howe says that Caprica's fate will be decided in February along with other shows currently in development.

This source of this article can be found here. I'm going to put on the Sherlock Holmes hat and see if I can hunt down an exact date. Alright SciFi, let's greenlight this show!

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