Monday, June 05, 2006

Moore talks Caprica

Mr. Moore has finally broken silence regarding the new series. He adds more weight to Remi Aubuchon's previous remarks by reiterating that Caprica is striving to be completely different from Battlestar Galactica. You can read the snippet article from the Great Link right here or wait until the real article prints in the July issue of SFX magazine. Here are the Caprica bits of information from the man himself:

"It's a different kind of show. More of a drama. It's corporate intrigue and interfamily politics. . .there are rival companies that are trying to develop the same technology. The government plays a role in trying to sort of get certain military aspects of the technology in place. It's all coloured by the fact that we know none of this is going to come to a good end. This is a doomsday scenario that we know is leading to something really, really bad, that you're watching unfold before your eyes."

". . .the interesting thing is that in this stage in Caprican history, they're more advanced than the people we see on Galactica, because part of the mythos of the show is that it was a result of the Cylon War that made the [citizens of the Colonies] take a large step back from the technology they had developed. So [despite the fact that the show takes place 50 years before Battlestar Galactica], the society in Caprica will look more modern that Galactica's."

"[The show] will take place in a SF Universe where space travel is quite common and where the technology is such that houses clean themselves. It's a futuristic society on the verge of a major breakthrough in artificial intelligence. . . it's not an action-adventure show and it wasn't set up to become one. We're dedicated to making it a character drama."

Prequels are dangerous territory. Just look at the Star Wars prequels. Many fans are split down the middle regarding whether or not the new films were decent enough to bear the Star War name. Will the same be said of Caprica, in comparison to Battlestar Galactica? I think that distancing Caprica from the re-imagined Galactica could prove a very smart move, as long as this show can truly stand on its own. Only time will tell.


Posted by Smitty at 6:39 AM - 0 comments